[Daniel's week] January 12, 2024

Daniel Stenberg daniel at haxx.se
Fri Jan 12 17:31:55 CET 2024

Hello all,

The year has truly taken off.

## cmdline

The refactor I mentioned in last week's email landed this week with almost
worryingly little noise or squeals. Nothing from users and nothing from


This week my second talk at FOSDEM was confirmed [1] for the main track. I
have titled it "You too could have made curl" but still as I write this the
main track has not been scheduled so I don't know yet exactly when or at which
day it will happen. I'm looking forward to it!

## Funding Stefan

Me, Stefan Eissing and Dan Fandrich have had a closer cooperation around curl
work recently and we were about to apply for money for a few curl projects
just before Christmas when the particular venue we were eyeing suddenly closed
its doors and we could not apply there now.

Instead, we move forward and self-fund a few projects starting now. First out
is Stefan [2]. He started working on adding support for OpenSSL's QUIC stack
to curl this week. This afternoon he told me he could get data over HTTP/3
from curl.se using this, so clearly a pretty speedy development. This said, as
we suspected/feared, there are bugs in the OpenSSL implementation that
complicate matters a little. Two OpenSSL issues [3] [4] were created, one of
them remains open.

We have projects lined up and planned to fund for Dan as well, just not yet
ready to announce and talk about this week.

The funding I talk about is money from the curl fund, collected donations from
generous companies and individuals.

## PSL

We were made aware that quite a few curl builds and installs ship without
Public Suffic List (PSL) enabled [5]. This is *probably* often done without
proper considerations applied so this week I made it harder to let this
decision slide as the configure script now requires libpsl to be present or to
be explicitly disabled [6]. I also added clarifying documentation [7].

## emails

I show off occasional fun emails I received every once in a while. It has
often triggered people to ask me if I have them collected somewhere. This week
I finally took action and made markdown versions out of 75 of the best
examples I managed to dig up [8].

## curl for wolfSSL

We had a wolfSSL "team meeting" this week and I did a short presention about
curl, where we are, customers, what's up and what's potentially ocming next
for my esteemed colleagues.

One feature suggestion that was brought up was improved multi-threading
support, and it made me reason to ponder about it some further. Maybe it is
time for us to level up in that department. I need to write down some ideas
and get my thoughts "cleaned up" before I propose anything to my fellow

## everything curl

Contributor 'sluicing' updated my script quite nicely and made in-document
links work for the PDF version. I subsequently figured out how to make the
links colored. I made the words in the generated index ignore leading dots and
'<' etc so that .netrc and <curl/curl.h> instead get sorted by their first
alphabetical letter. Made the index nicer.

I added a few more sections and we are now counting 109,500 words. The PDF is
547 pages. The top-10 most used words in the book as of right now:

      1     6351 the
      2     3688 to
      3     2736 a
      4     2271 and
      5     2130 is
      6     1805 curl
      7     1591 that
      8     1496 of
      9     1479 you
     10     1421 in

I also made the page hosting the downloadable versions [9] show the time stamp
of the current conversion and the respective file sizes of the downloads.

There are also some fixes for the HTML version in the pipeline that should
make it a little nicer.

## QNX

After some initial quirks I downloaded the development environment for QNX,
the RTOS from Blackberry. Next up for me is to get curl to build with it and
ultimately to offer curl downloads for QNX to the world.

Blackberry has a few patches of theirs that they have used on top of curl in
the past so I need to get my hands on those and figure out how to handle them
best going forward.

I will talk about this more and write a blog post etc once I get stuff working
and actually have something to show.

## 10 years since

Tomorrow it is exactly ten years since I started at Mozilla [10]. Time flies
like always. I must say that my time at Mozilla now feels awfully distant.

I have been working exclusively from home [11] since then, so this also marks
my tenth "WFHary". I loved it from the start and I still think its the best.

## Coming up

- Tuesday morning (my time) I will talk "CVE management and curl" for
   IoT and SCADA Hackers Australia [12]

## Links

[1] = https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/01/08/my-upcoming-fosdem-2024/
[2] = https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/01/09/funding-stefans-curl-work/
[3] = https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/23251
[4] = https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/23285
[5] = https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/01/10/psl-in-curl/
[6] = https://github.com/curl/curl/pull/12661
[7] = https://github.com/curl/curl/pull/12687
[8] = https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/01/12/emails-i-received-the-collection/
[9] = https://daniel.haxx.se/everything-curl/
[10] = https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2014/01/13/this-is-my-first-day-at-mozilla/
[11] = https://daniel.haxx.se/workplace.html
[12] = https://www.meetup.com/iot-and-scada-hackers-australia/events/297921244/


  / daniel.haxx.se

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