[Daniel's week] July 14, 2024

Daniel Stenberg daniel at haxx.se
Sun Jul 14 14:28:51 CEST 2024

# July 14, 2024

## vacation

As I am taking a few weeks off I am writing this week's email later than
usual. I keep up somewhat with emails and the issue feed anyway but I'm
falling behind in acting on things. This is what a vacation is meant to do.

Luckily, there are plenty of other fine peeps around who know curl and can
keep most machinery running when I am absent.

Of course my weekly emails will be shorter and have less contents during these

## 200 subscribers

We have surpassed two hundred subscribers of the daniel weekly email [1]. Fun!
This tells me I should keep this up. Maybe even learn to write a little
content for it every day to make the Friday effort smaller.

No need, but if you ever feel you want more of something specific in these
emails, don't forget that you *can* tell me. :-)

## LWN dev quote of the week

I have had the honour of being quoted on lwn.net several times in the past,
but this week I think we had a new first when Willy Tarreau's comment on my
blog, the one I quoted in last week's email, was selected as a weekly
development quote on the news site [2].

## new graph

How large share of all commits do I do in curl? And I don't mean author, I
mean the act committting changes whether I wrote it or not. I created another
graph for the dashboard this week [3] that shows this. The 69th graph shown on
the page.

It reveals that I currently have committed 67% of all commits and that my
commit share has slowly been growing for the last nine years. I have authored
about 56% of all commits [4].

## Coming up

- more vacation

## Links

[1] = https://lists.haxx.se/listinfo/daniel
[2] = https://lwn.net/Articles/980652/
[3] = https://curl.se/dashboard1.html#daniel-commits
[4] = https://curl.se/dashboard1.html#daniel-vs-rest


  / daniel.haxx.se

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