[Daniel's week] July 27, 2024

Daniel Stenberg daniel at haxx.se
Sat Jul 27 15:52:11 CEST 2024

Hello again!

## vacation

This is my last vacation week for this time and I will be back at full speed
Monday. I still managed to get some stuff done this week.

## release

We shipped curl 8.9.0 [1] this week, featureing a new curl world record amount
of bugfixes, two security advisories and some eleven changes.

Now, a few days after the release it still seems like a rather solid release.
There have been some reports of regressions but I believe none of them are
important enough to warrant a follow-up patch release. If the next few days
pass equally fine, I think we might be able to proceed and open the fature
window as scheduled next weekend.

## changelogs

I wrote some scripts and starting this week we provide changelogs on the curl
website a little differently than in the past: now we offer individual
changelogs for each specific release in a specific URL [2]. It makes for
smaller webpages that are focused on just that version you are curious about.

## OpenSSL on LWN

Over on LWN this week, there was a post with the title "OpenSSL announces new
governance structure" [3] in which OpenSSL people speak up. I could not resist
to speak up my mind there [4] on how I think they have not been open nor
forthright about their actions and priorities in recent years even though they
say they "listen to the community". Primarily to point out that it reads
mostly like propaganda to someone like me.

The past is the past and there is no way to change that now and hopefully
everything will be awesome from now on.

## Coming up

- *two* podcast recordings this week (as a guest)
- work on better testing of libcurl's event-based API

## Links

[1] = https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/07/24/curl-8-9-0/
[2] = https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/07/24/changelog-changes/
[3] = https://lwn.net/Articles/983120/
[4] = https://lwn.net/Articles/983380/


  / daniel.haxx.se

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