[Daniel's week] May 3, 2024

Daniel Stenberg daniel at haxx.se
Fri May 3 23:05:14 CEST 2024


Another Friday is here. This is what I did this week...

## surviving authors

It takes almost four hours to run my new script. It iterates over all release
tags in git and then performs a 'git blame -CCC' on each source code file in
that release, for all files in the lib, src and include dir hierarchies. To
count how many different authors that still have at least one line of code
attributed to them. Because over time there is no surprise that previous
authors' work might get overwritten and replaced by later authors when code is
refactored and polished.

It is very hard to calculate exactly how many people who once had a code line
present but not anymore, but in the end the script ends up saying over 600
persons have "surviving" product code. About 90 of those only have a single
line left. Perhaps even more interesting is that only three authors have more
than 10,000 lines attributed to them. See the new graphs for this on the
dashboard [1].

## curl up

I have assigned myself to do four sessions at curl up 2024 so I did spend a
fair portion of this week polishing and tweaking in total over 160 slides for
them. I title them "the state of curl", "future", "security" and "rust in
curl". The first one is the monster, the other three are fairly brief and
should ideally work as base for further discussions among the participants.

The pre-curl up dinner happens tonight and I'm looking forward to it.


I was again nominated to receive the Google Open Source Peer Bonus award. They
call it "nominated" but it seems I will receive it as long as I just fill in
the associated form and "accept" it. This is the fifth time I receive this
bonus. It usually comes in the form of a thank-you letter and a few hundred
USD. The last time (late 2023) I received 500 USD [3]. It is not going to make
me rich, but I am not going to complain when given money.

## rust in production

I participated as a guest on the "rust in production" podcast a while back and
on the Thursday (yesterday) the episode was published [2]. I talked about curl
and how we allow the use of components written in rust and how this could be a
way to gradually make the curl executable contain more memory-safe code over
time. Maybe. The timing is pretty fun since I have a session on curl up this
weekend about this very topic.

## vodafone UK (un)block

I noticed it was two years since I blogged about how my website daniel.haxx.se
was blocked by Vodafone UK the first time. I have been reminded of this a few
times over the years since then when some people told me they have not been
able to see something over there. Nothing much for me to do, as I already back
in 2022 requested my site to get unblocked.

So I tooted about it on Mastodon [5] and linked my original blog post [4]. It
took just a few hours and then the problem was solved. A Vodafone employee saw
my post and did what was necessary internally at the company and by late
afternoon May 2, 2024 I have been told the block is history.

I updated the blog post accordingly.

## Coming up

- curl up 2024 this weekend
- post curl up exhaustion
- make curl up talks available on YouTube
- Thursday is a national holiday

## Links

[1] = https://curl.se/dashboard.html
[2] = https://corrode.dev/podcast/s02e01-curl/
[3] = https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2023/11/11/another-google-open-source-peer-bonus/
[4] = https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/05/02/considered-18/
[5] = https://mastodon.social/@bagder/112370499323735930


  / daniel.haxx.se

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