Debian considers switching curl to use libssh instead of libssh2

Peter Stuge peter at
Fri Jan 14 23:50:11 CET 2022

I've seen this movie before.

Nicolas Mora via libssh2-devel wrote:
> Apart from that, I think the argument "All the other distros are
> doing that, so why not us?" is not relevant.

You underestimate the distribution groupthink. Major distributions
will follow each other every time.

> If there is no reason to choose one libssh or another, then it's a
> lot of time spent for no obvious reason IMHO.

Be aware that corporate requirements is what drives much of open
source development, in particular anything coming out of distributions
such as Fedora, SuSE and Ubuntu. The priority is to create a product
for paying customers - individual community developers and any
project ideals are the first to be sacrificed if there are any
conflicting goals.

More community-backed distributions follow, because maintainers are
chronically overloaded and very few really value diversity. It is
significantly easier to maintain the same thing that others maintain
in parallel - you can learn from each other.

Note that I don't advocate for this, this is based on personal
experience and observation over the years.


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