[ANNOUNCE] c-ares.org downloads and website updates

Nikolaos Chatzikonstantinou nchatz314 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 00:11:40 CEST 2024

On Thu, Jun 6, 2024, 5:42 PM Brad House via c-ares <c-ares at lists.haxx.se>

> Hello team!
> I just wanted to announce that https://c-ares.org is now hosted by
> GitHub Pages (with a custom domain) rather than a dedicated server that
> Daniel has graciously maintained all these years.
> Any distributions that are currently pulling packages from
> https://c-ares.org/download/c-ares-X.Y.Z.tar.gz (or even the legacy
> https://c-ares.haxx.se) are now broken.  Please update your packaging
> scripts to point to the github release assets, which is now the official
> repository for signed release packages.
> On another note, there is now a new package signing key approved for
> upcoming releases, mine :)
> Brad House <brad at brad-house.com> -
> DA7D64E4C82C6294CB73A20E22E3D13B5411B7CA
> https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xda7d64e4c82c6294cb73a20e22e3d13b5411b7ca
> We will likely be trying this out for the c-ares 1.30.0 release tomorrow
> am (EDT), and track what fallout arises.
> Please note that Daniel's signing key is still valid and he may perform
> additional releases in the future as well.  This just adds redundancy to
> the release process so we're not blocked on any single individual.

Hello, congrats on the update. I don't mean to be annoying but the
introduction of a new key should be in an email signed by the old key. The
download page could clarify also which versions are expected to be signed
by either key and which are only by Daniel, e.g. from >=1.30 both keys are
valid. This is probably in the changelog or NEWS file (if not please add)
but I didn't check.

Nikolaos Chatzikonstantinou
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